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New Season. New Miracles.

The Lord has done some incredible things this year and one thing that we are especially excited to announce is that:

We are pregnant and expecting a precious baby at the end of June!

This process and transition has been quite challenging but full of excitement and provision from the Lord. This story has been burning in our hearts and we have been so excited to share it!

While in the process of raising support Ben and I have not been able to afford Health Insurance but in mid October we applied for a Christian Co Op called Medi-Share that was much more affordable for us. We had been praying about starting a family and felt the Lord was leading us to start trying, so at the end of October we were finalizing our application and about to pay the fee to finish the application. Exactly one day before the amount was due I found out I was pregnant! We also found out that Medi-Share wouldn’t cover our pregnancy because we weren’t on the insurance during the date of conception.

My initial response was to not panic…although I did just a bit. I found out I was pregnant while I was visiting a friend out of town so a couple of days later, upon my arrival back home, Ben was on his way to the airport to pick me up when a car pulled out and slammed into the passenger side of our car caving in the passenger door and nearly tearing off the back door. Ben was the only one in the car and thankfully he was completely fine, but our poor little Honda was not. So I came home to a wrecked car (our only car), no insurance and a baby on the way…still trying not to panic.

Those are all small ordeals to God but to me at the time my whole world was crashing down. I woke up the next morning around 4 a.m. and could not go back to sleep, so I decided to get up and talk to the Lord. Things were crashing down all at once and I needed to know the Lord saw me and to hear His comforting voice. As I prayed I heard the Lord reminding me that He was doing “something new”, a word He had given me about a month before, and I heard Him say “He was going to make a way and put rivers in the desert.” I heard these words in my mind, but they didn’t truly resonate, I thought maybe it was just my own thoughts. I opened my bible and decided to read Isaiah and opened to Isaiah 43:19 and saw where I had underlined a verse. As I read it I felt a lump forming in my throat and my heart leapt. The verse read “Behold I am doing a new thing: now it springs forth, do you not perceive it? I will make a way in the wilderness and rivers in the desert.” I sat on the floor of my room sobbing as the Lord ministered to me. He was going to make things happen that I did not yet see, He was going to make a way and He was going to take care of the details, I laid back in bed and was finally able to close my eyes and sleep.

The very next day we get a call from Dustin who is our ministry partner and the founder of Feet That Move. After he found out our car was out of commission, he explained to us that he felt the Lord had told him to give his car to us. Immediately the Lord provided a car for us, He was already taking care of the details. When praying about where to have our baby I came across a birth center in Keller called Origins and we both had so much peace about it, so we decided to visit it and see if it was the place for us. We went in for the interview and it was even better than we had hoped. It was a beautiful facility with amazing midwives, minutes from the hospital and they love the Lord and invite Him in to be apart of the process. When we asked the cash price (since we didn’t have insurance) they told us $5,200. The amount seemed very daunting but they were willing to work out a payment plan up until the birth so we had some hope. We weren’t sure where the money was going to come from but we trusted that the Lord would provide; He was taking care of the details. As we drove home from the birth center we got a call from progressive telling us that our car was officially totaled. The next statement they made left us speechless, they told us they were going to give us $5,300 for our car! We began laughing and then crying as the Lord once again immediately provided and took care of all of the details. We couldn’t believe it, He provided exactly what we would need for the birth center and a little extra for my prenatal vitamins that I had bought that day, it was almost humorous. Soon after that I found out my blood type is O- and Ben is O+ , which means I have to get a RhoGAM shot and so will my baby depending on their blood type and these shots cost about $175 each, so we discovered some more expenses we would need to take care of. When we went into Progressive to pick up our check the check was for an additional $400.00, completely covering the shots. We were again speechless and it’s certainly not normal for an insurance company to give you more than what they quoted. The Lord has just continued to provide, showing us once again that He is in all the details. He truly sees and truly cares; He is in it all.

In our lives, especially our lives in America, we put ourselves in a box. We think if things don’t happen this way or in this order then everything is going to fall apart. Our God is so much bigger, He is bigger than insurance, He is bigger than cars and He is bigger than finances. He owns all, sees all and He is going to walk us through it all. I know that this whole process isn’t going to be easy or conflict free but I know that through all of the ups and downs I will have the King of Kings walking me through it. Ben and I still have a ways to go and a lot more financial support to raise and although it's daunting the Lord has shown that He is a God who is in the details and He is going to take care of them. We hope that you and your family had an incredible holiday season and we pray that 2017 is full of moments where God can come in and take care of the details and walk you through all of life’s moments with you.

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